What Do I Know of Christ?

What Do I Know of Christ?

I wrote this song for a YW in Excellence evening, that had the theme of knowing our Savior. I love thinking that no matter what we know of Him, what matters most is how He knows each of us, personally, and loves us more than we can comprehend.

August 25, 2022.

I saw this short video clip yesterday. Sister Cordon, the president of the young women of the church, shared her feelings about trusting God and listening to what he would have her still do during a time of personal heartbreak. My original song "God, Are You There?" fits with this message well. Click on the video below to listen.

Sometimes I feel like God is far away; that he is slow to hear my cry. But the Holy Ghost whispers to my heart to be patient; that he answers prayers, but not always in the way or with the timing we hope for. And that we need to trust. He knows more than us. He sees all. He allows us to go through experiences for a purpose. And there is a greater purpose than we realize, that will lead to our benefit and to our greatest happiness, if we allow Christ to work his transforming power in our lives.

Oh May My Soul Commune With Thee/Come to the Temple of God

This is my arrangement of the beautiful hymn "Oh May My Soul Commune With Thee" combined with an original, "Come to the Temple of God", with the lovely Alex Sharpe doing the vocal. 

Precious Gift (Let the Holy Spirit Guide)

This is a special arrangement of one of my favorite hymns. It starts with an original "short", a lead-in to the hymn. One of the sister missionaries that served in our area back in 2013, Sister McClelland, recorded it for me after I heard her sing and loved her pure voice. To make this video I took clips of the 2016 youth theme video, Press Forward, and combined them with my own photos.

Eyes of Understanding

His Name

Hear Him

Once Upon a Lifetime
